Private Lessons
Tailored one on one lessons perfect for getting a head start or solving behaviour problems.
Private lessons are perfect for new puppies, rescue dogs, dogs with behaviour problems, or those in need with more advanced training and stimulation. Sessions are flexible and can be fitted in around your busy schedule, held either at the Trainer's Venue or a locator your choice.
One Off Lesson - £75
1 hour Private Lessons held at trainer's venue.
Access to the online portal (including video tutorials, printouts and guides).
Basic Package - £195
3 X 1 hour Private Lessons held at trainer's venue.
Access to the online portal (including video tutorials, printouts and guides).
(Valid for 2 months from first appointment)
Premium Package - £240
4 X 1 hour Private Lessons held at trainer's venue.
Access to the online portal (including video tutorials, printouts and guides).
(Valid for 3 months from first appointment)
Reactive Dog Package - £230
3 X 1 hour Private Lessons held at trainer's venue with trainers dog present.
Access to the online portal (including video tutorials, printouts and guides).
(Valid for 4 months from first appointment)
Please contact before booking if your dog is reactive towards dogs or people.
Session at a Location of your Choice - £300, plus travel expenses
2 hour Private Lessons held at your home or a location of your choice.
Access to the online portal (including video tutorials, printouts and guides).
(Valid for 4 months from first appointment)
Please contact before booking to check your area is covered.
Session Upgrades
Bring another dog from same household - £5 per session